Friday, September 15, 2006

Here i am again... just for a short while.

September has been hectic. Except for the last week, i have been/ am travelling the entire month. First it was Santander and some villages in Cantabria, Asturias (Oviedo, Gijón, lots of villages), then it was Valladolid, Salamanca, Ávila and Ponferrada (went for the Scorpions concert, and we were standing right in front).

Since all roads lead to Rome, i finally reached there. It´s a lot like India. Chaotic traffic, very dirty, stench of urine in many corners... Lot´s of Bangladeshis.
A very expensive city, but absolutely worth it.

Next week it´s Sevilla before getting back to Alcalá, winding up and getting back.

My road has reached Rome, yet so much left to see, to do, to live, to share. And so much work pending, so many deadlines! I really wonder how i going to cope with it all.

I know lots of photos are due. I know i haven´t been blogging at all. I´m really sorry. Can´t promise anything as of now. Will get more regular whenever i can.


Anonymous said...

"Since all roads lead to Rome, i finally reached there. It´s a lot like India. Chaotic traffic, very dirty, stench of urine in many corners... Lot´s of Bangladeshis."

Yeah, I once saw a Flash animation who's description read "This video is dedicated to all those who think Italy is like any other European country." The animation had it all - chaotic traffic, unreliable bus service, inefficient bureaucracy, politicians who are literally glued to their chairs etc.

You said Rome is a lot like India, how about the rest of Italy, I mean the two tier towns and all? My guess is that northern Italy looks more orderly since it is more industrialised (Milan, Genoa etc.).

a.g said...

Unfortunately i haven´t had time to visit any other city in Italy. I too have heard (and seen in photos)that northern Italy in more 'european'. it certainly is greener.

ravptor said...

good to hear from you...

Anonymous said...


Te echo muchísimo de menos.

No sabes la pena que me ha dado cuando he leído lo de que dentro de poco te vuelves a la India.

No me puedo creer que cuando vuelva a España tú ya no vas a estar.

Hace un par de noches me acordé de ti y me puse a llorar.




a.g said...

Ay! Teresa!

Qué sorpresa verte aquí!

Menos mal que podemos estar en contacto por varios medios, no?

Yo también te echo de menos muchísimo pero sé que un día nos veremos en India seguro.

Así que, guapa, deja de llorar y ponte a currar para ahorrar dinero para el viaje :)

Un beso fuerte,

Anonymous said...

¿Qué tal de vuelta en la India?

¡Espero noticias tuyas!

Por cierto, siempre olvido contarte que mis padres se van ahora en octubre a la India, pero se van al norte (Nueva Delhi, Bombay...)


Nive said...

did this blog die?!

a.g said...

Teresa, ya estan en India? que tal? les gusta? por favor, cuentame sus primeras impresiones. A ver, si las puedes usar en tu M******! Ja ja!

Nive, look who's talking!