Saturday, December 30, 2006

Recipe for travel/ Receta para viajar

An Australian-columbian friend sent me this recipe which only works today!
Una amiga australiana-colombiana me envió esta receta que sólo funciona hoy!

"A la media noche rápidamente te abrazas y saludas a las personas con quien estés y sales con una maleta a dar una vuelta de la manzana donde vives(round the block where you live), make sure you have the most important things (asegúrate de llevar las cosas más importantes)en la maleta, un poco de ropa y algo de dinero, just a small bag will do (bastará un bolsito).Suerte, yo lo estaré haciendo."

Yo también. Y tú?

Since this is really important here's a translation, more or less:

"At midnight quickly hug and greet everyone you're with and leave with a suitcase to go round the block where you live, make sure you have the most important things in the suitcase, some clothes, a little money, just a small bag will do. Good luck, I'll be doing it."

Me too. And you?

My sis painted that!

Posted by a proud sister. (Beaming!)

Friday, December 29, 2006

Amigas. amigos...

Vease abajo... Scroll down!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

12 Days of Christmas

got this from here and absolutely love it. Belated merry x-mas.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Reliving Rome

Rome: the Colloseum

Just a pretty car

The Neptune fountain

My favourite place in Rome: the Pantheon

A sunny roman market

Bernini's The Ecstasy of St. Theresa

Yeah! St. Peters Basilica.

Michaelangelo's Pietà