Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Incredible ignorance!

How come they also have the best brains?

There are more, many, many more videos like this so don't tell me that this is a highly edited, manipulated video.

Friday, February 16, 2007

An update

Have been asked to update my blog...

 here you have it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I´m becoming what I´ve always asked other friends not to become... a workaholic!

Para una persona especial

Hay poca gente sincera, inocente, positiva y buena.

Poca gente que entra en tu vida, la llena de amor y felicidad y deja huellas para siempre.

Jaume eres una. Cuando estoy contigo siento tu paz.

Gracias por todo.

Hasta la próxima.

Un beso,

Thoughts on the balcony

Life would be so much nicer
with background music.
You'd always know
what state of mind you're in!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Desayunos en el balcón

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For the archives

Proof of books being cleared.

Amma´s dream come true ;)
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New Years´ and the surprise party

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