Monday, June 11, 2007

Call for help!

Have hit the lowest of lows.

No concentration, lots of motivation but somehow am not motivated.

Things can only get better, right?

I know there's such a bright future. I can see it and feel it. Yet i'm not moving and time is.

Help me out. Don't call. It's such a distraction. Just leave comments, positive ones, please.

Animadme por favor... ya!

P.s Man! I sound really bad. It's not that bad but still leave hope please.


This is basically to keep you busy reading something till the 1st of July. Wrote all the following more than a year back. At that point, it was too personal or incomplete... well, a lot of it is still incomplete but here you have it.

And please remember this.

Chennai to Madrid and back... and misery struck!

xxxxxThe city sweats. The reeking stench of 7 million bodies brushing past each other. The blend of sticky sweat from the hands, arms and shoulders of the masses is hanging in the air, adding to it’s putrid saltiness. You feel repulsive as you anticipate your bonding with them. Not yet though. Right now the heavily scented, sweet agarbati perfume of the flight clings to you nauseously and you feel a shooting ache seep through your teeth to your jaws, zipping through your eyes and pounding your temples over and over again...

Moments of loneliness…

… when you have no one to talk to in the train.
… when you have no one to cry with.
… when you want to go window shopping, when you want to share old xxmemories with that someone and they’re not there.
… when you don’t find a hug, a real hug.
… when you badly need and don’t find an ¨I love you¨ .


When you’re all alone and a laugh escapes you, that’s a true laugh.


… when you cry uncontrollably, shedding your burdens, feeling lighter and fall asleep.

A Olga y a Teresa

He conocido a muchos y llegaré a conocer a más. Sin embargo, sois vosotras a las que conocí en mi primer viaje a España. El viaje de más ilusión y el más difícil para mí hasta ahora. Un lugar desconocido y dos almas hermosas para darme la bienvenida, para ofrecer a shoulder to cry on, para compartir lágrimas y sonrisas… y cotilleos :p

Tristemente al fin sólo para despedirme de ellas.

Aún así, sé que estaréis a mi lado, y yo a lo vuestro, para siempre.

Os quiero mucho.

A Jörg

Mi querido Jörg:

xxxxxxxxxNo lo puedo creer... que no te voy a ver jamás en mi vida; que no te voy a dar ni un abrazo, ni un beso más; que no vamos a dar otro paseíto por el bosque. El té y el café que me hacías por las mañanas. Tus cuentos. Tu música.

xxxxxxxxxLamento no haber podido pasar más tiempo contigo, a tu lado. Estoy muy agradecida por haberte conocido y haberte visto otra vez antes de...

xxxxxxxxx¿Qué es la vida? No lo sé. Quizás lo sabrás tú ahora.

xxxxxxxxxTe echo de menos muchísimo y te recordaré para siempre.

xxxxxxxxxMi querido Jörg, estés donde estés, te doy un abrazo muy fuerte. Espero que por fin descanses, que descanses en paz.

13 de junio de 2006
Alcalá de Henaresxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxa.g

Friday, June 08, 2007

Dissertation... deadline... so not available till... ¿July?