Saturday, April 19, 2008

Keeping in touch

It's strange, it's so hard to keep in touch inspite of technology. With email, messenger, Skype and falling ISD charges it shouldn't be so difficult. Do we know too many people? Are we really that busy? Life has other priorities? Too tired?


Realizing not keeping in touch is normal for most, I decided to try and keep in touch with my friends on their terms... Hmm, better said, what I understand as their terms.

So some I email once or twice a year. Others frequent social networking sites. Still others prefer Skype or a simple phonecall. Many ways, many options.

One thing is clear though, reciprocated or not I will keep in touch because I'm not willing to lose them.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I dread correcting papers. My conscience does not allow me to do a careless job. So I spend hours and hours with the papers.

This is certainly one case where absence will not make the heart grow fonder.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Por vivir con la cabeza,
se me ha dañado el corazon.

¿Para siempre?