Monday, June 11, 2007

Call for help!

Have hit the lowest of lows.

No concentration, lots of motivation but somehow am not motivated.

Things can only get better, right?

I know there's such a bright future. I can see it and feel it. Yet i'm not moving and time is.

Help me out. Don't call. It's such a distraction. Just leave comments, positive ones, please.

Animadme por favor... ya!

P.s Man! I sound really bad. It's not that bad but still leave hope please.


Caliban said...

Un alumno le comentaa su maestro: "maestro, no sé qué hacer; todo me abruma, son tantas cosas a la vez que me desbordan, me ahogan y no sé qué puedo hacer".
El maestro, tras haberlo escuchado atentamente respondió:"un objeto verde no es amarillo". otro colega añadió:"y ahora, ¿te estás ahogando?, ¿donde estás?".

Es decir, princesa, si estás aquí y ahora, si tomas las cosas de una en una, poco a poco se van haciendo las cosas. sin dejar que lo verde te distraiga, mientras hasd de estar con lo amarillo: cada cosa a su debido tiempo y siempre aqui y ahora, desde ahí es imposible ahogarse o dejar de respirar.
el futuro ya vendrá, quédate en el presente que es lo único que tienes/tenemos.
recuerda siempre quién eres, tu belleza, tu luz, tu talento, tu bondad... eres un cielo, aunque tengas nombre de estrella, eres el firmamento enterito tú solita, cosa guapa!!!!!

Love ya always!!!!

Nive said...

In about five weeks you'll be here! YAY!! I can't wait. Maybe I can even go to Texas with you. Don't worry, everything will work out. I love you and miss you so much! See you soon!
Love Nive.

cultopia said...

A ver... si lo verde es una heineken, te puedes distraer un poquito... o mucho.

Cariño, la presión te hace ver lo que no es real, o peor: te deforma la realidad. Es normal que en estas fechas te sientas hundir, pero piensa, retroaliméntate con gratos recuerdos y sueña... sueña siempre que puedas y verás qué pronto surge el salvavidas que te hará emerger de nuevo.

"Todo pasa y todo queda,
pero lo nuestro es pasar;
pasar haciendo caminos,
caminos sobre la mar.

Caminante, son tus huellas
el camino y nada más;
caminante, no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar.

Al andar se hace camino
y al volver la vista atrás,
se ve la senda que nunca
se ha de volver a pisar.

Caminante no hay camino
sino estelas en la mar...

Cuando el jilguero no puede cantar.
Cuando el poeta es un peregrino,
cuando de nada nos sirve rezar.
Caminante no hay camino,
se hace camino al andar...

Golpe a golpe, verso a verso."

Espero, confío y deseo que Machado te ayude a pensar, a emerger y a nadar hasta alcanzar la meta... tu meta.

Un besazo enorme,

Anonymous said...

don't worry. things will work out.

Remember those JNU days. how we always submitted our term paper on we held on till the last minute.

no te pongas así. anímate. hay tiempos para todos. 'todo pasa, y todo queda...'


mcx said...

Now I do feel mean, sorry didn't respond yesterday. childish joke on my part but didn't see this coming. Now here are my words,

I know you, this fall from strength is an illusion, the heart of a lion rests within you, now go out there and scare the world. I have spent an age in discontent and self loathing only to realize how pointless an exercise that was so many years later. My advice? do not hide sadness behind your smile rather taste it within yourself like a fine wine and drink it down, feel its sweet intoxication flood your veins. Enjoy these moments and remember joy and soon that shy smile shall once again genuinely appear upon your lips and sadness would have left you for now.

Dont know what else to say but you can count on me being here with my empty words when ever you need cheering, remember there are too many people who love you to allow you to stay in sadness for longer than we can spare you.


Anonymous said...

You have too much ability to feel miserable about this. You too know that you can finish the damn thing in a couple of days. So dont worry. Just enjoy and like you always say, smile please.

a.g said...

to all/a tod@s

thanks for all the comments and emails. thanks for being you so much.

gracias por los emilios y los mensajes. muchas gracias por estar aquí para mí. os quiero mucho.

Anonymous said...

Is it finally over? Or is the drama of your dissertation still going on?

a.g said...

Anonymous, the drama hasn't even reached half way. And there's no intermission!

Hopefully it's a comedy and not a tragedy. Well, actually i think it's a tragi-comedy.